Saturday, October 29, 2005

My birthday and UT

All I got to say is that UT handed me a beautiful birthday present from Stillwater (sorry, Amanda, for the loss). My birthday was yesterday (October 28th if any of you would like to put it on your calenders) and it wasn't that great. Link had accidentally planned an overnight guys retreat last night but before he went my sister Jessica and her husband Jeremy and Link and I went to eat at a Japenese steak house called Shoguns. They light things on fire as they cook in front of you so we were really lucky to leave there with all our eyebrows. Anyway, tonight Link planned a semi-suprise party for me. It was semi because I got upset yesterday from the normality and he told me about it. So we had people (his parents and his brother, sister-in-law, and nieces and Jessica and Jeremy and our friends Kami and Jay) over for steaks and cake. It was a ton of fun. I got chef pasta bowls (they are way cute), a manicure, a gift certificate to a pottery making place (so much fun) and. . . . . . . a new Canon Rebel XL EOS which is a digital camera that has manual or automatic focus, 8 megapixels and takes amazing pictures. I'm sooooo excited about it but also afraid. I dropped the last good camera I had about 6 times before it finally broke. Hopefully I'll have better luck with this one. Link bought me a bathrobe, The Wizard of Oz, and a new pair of tennis shoes!! So my birthday ended up being great (even if it was celebrated a day late) and was only topped off by UT coming out during the second half and winning the game. Oh, yeah, and the extra hour of sleep that I'm going to get tonight is also a major plus!


Neena said...

I'm glad that your birthday ended up being great!! Happy belated birthday by the way.

Amanda said...

I was at that game and for a a small amount of time, I had some glimmer of hope that we (OSU) would win. We left during the 4th quarter.
Glad your bday was good!

April said...

I'm thinking it's about time you update your blog...what do you think?!?! ha!