Monday, January 30, 2006

Christmas (a month late)

Okay, so I got in trouble for not posting in a long time. . . sorry, April :). Anywho, December was a lot of fun with my sister and her family staying with us for over a month. It was great to see them and we had fun playing with the neice and nephew. They came in the beginning of December and left mid-January. Christmas was great. I had to work Christmas weekend but that's okay. I got the afternoons off to be with family. My mom and dad came down from SD and my in-laws came over from NM. My grandad from Ohio and my grandparents from Oklahoma also came so a lot of family was here. And my big present this year. . . a new Kirby vaccuum!!! I didn't know I'd ever be excited about a vaccuum but I was. Ours had broken and would only suction if you stepped on the front of it while pushing it. It was funny. I love my new kirby!!! We also got gift cards to Lowe's so we bought ourselves an over the counter microwave. Man, we're getting old when we get excited about new appliances. . .

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