Friday, September 01, 2006

I know it's been a while but I've been waiting to get my Vegas pictures back so I can post them. of course in order to get them back, I'd have to take them to the store to get developed first and I haven't done that. We bought disposables because I didn't want to take my good camera with us and I'm so used to digital that I keep forgetting to take them to get printed. Anyway, we had a good time in Vegas. Got to see the moving statues at Ceasar's and got to see a lot of the hotels that we didn't see the last time. Over my "break" we were pretty busy. Link was getting things ready for a retreat that he is teaching at the we take our high school kids on every labor day weekend. It's in the mountains of New Mexico at a camp called Blue Haven and this weekend it's only suppose to get up to 60 degress and be rainy. It'll be a nice heat that we've been having here. I made a lot of baby gifts (loopys and blankets) to give to the 17 (and counting) people we know having babies. We also had a girls' retreat at church that was a lot of fun. And I got a chance to go up to Oklahoma for a quick trip to see my cousins and aunt that live in Croatia and to see my grandparents. Link and I had a good time getting away for a couple days. Sorry we couldn't get up to Stillwater, Amanda! Now school has started back and i think this semester is going to be a lot better than last semester!! I don't feel guilty that I'm not studying every free moment and I was even able to go get my neice from daycare after I got out of class and watch her for a few hours. It was great. Anyway, I have to go dig my cold clothes out and get my bags packed for the retreat. I hope you all have a great long weekend!


the Kimberlins said...

Wow, sounds like you've been really busy. I hope your retreat is great, and you enjoy that cold weather I know we did when we were at camp.
Hope to get to see you in a month!

Amanda said...

hope you have fun on the retreat!!! glad your trips were's hard to see everybody, i totally understand! i'm trying to figure out a way to go see some fam in kansas but it'll be hard to get up there this semester.
miss ya!